1.12.2 Wealth

A character's current wealth is considered to have an either positive or negative cps value, depending on how many possessions the character has. Wealth for these purposes should include the value of all owned land, chattels and equipment as well as cash.

During character generation, the player should work out the value of the character's initial land, chattels, equipment and magical items. This will determine the character's wealth category.

Wealth Cash equivalent cps value
Destitute up to 1 s -6
Very poor between 1s and 1c -4
Poor between 1c and £1 -2
Normal between £1 and 2 ST (£10) 0
Well-off between 2ST (£10) and 5GT (£100) 2
Rich between 5GT (£100) and 50GT (£1,000) 4
Very Rich between 50GT (£1,000) and 500GT (£10,000) 7
Exceptionally Rich more than 500GT (£10,000) 10

During later play, a character may become more or less wealthy. This will affect the cps value of his/her wealth. A character who becomes more wealthy will have to spend experience points to do so; a character who becomes less wealthy will gain cps to spend elsewhere.