2.48.5 History

If a character wants to remember a historical event that relates to the region, he/she must make a dice roll using his/her IQ + Regional Knowledge (History). The difficulty value depends on the obscurity of the event or person as follows:

Aspect of history Difficulty value
Basic gist of a major historical event 2
Date of a major historical event 4
Understanding of uncommon historical event 6
Understanding of a very obscure historical event 8
Detailed understanding of a very obscure historical event 10

For example, Cogan is visiting the City of Zanzibar in the Eastern Steppes. He has Regional Knowledge of 3 and an IQ of -2. Someone mentions the Battle of Bloody Spears, a major historical event. Cogan must make a dice roll to understand the basic gist of the event. His basic value is only 3 -2 = 1, so he decides to risk two dice. He rolls a 3 and a 4. Fortunately, this gives him a result of 1 - 6 + 7 = 2, enough to understand the basic gist of the event.