1.13.2 Tiredness

Each character has nine tiredness levels as follows:

Tiredness level Penalty on all dice rolls Difficulty of dice roll to keep going
Fresh 0 -5
Normal 0 0
Slightly tired -1/2 1
Quite tired -1 2
Tired -1 1/2 3
Very tired -2 4
Exhausted -3 6
Reeling -4 8
Unconscious n/a n/a

A well-rested character will start out as fresh. Over the course of a day, he/she may become tired.

Becoming tired. Each hour that a character is active, he/she must make a dice roll against his/her WP + Athletics (including any specialism in Stamina). The difficulty is given by the character's encumbrance and by the level of activity (see the table in 1.13.1). If the character fails the dice roll, he/she becomes more tired by one level per 5 points (or part thereof) by which he/she failed the dice roll. [Note the penalties for his/her current tiredness level apply to this dice roll].

The level of activity can be:

Impact of being tired. A character's current tiredness level may give him/her a penalty on all dice rolls (see the table above). This reflects the effect that tiredness has on a character's general effectiveness.

Keeping going when tired. If a character tries to maintain his/her activity without resting, he/she must make a dice roll against his/her WP + Athletics (including any specialism in Stamina) to do so. The difficulty depends on his/her tiredness level (see above )[Note the penalties for his/her current tiredness level also apply to this dice roll]. A dice roll must be made every hour. Failure means the character must rest for at least an hour before trying again.

Recovering from tiredness. The following actions can help a character recover from tiredness: