2.11.3 Pretending to be someone else

Pretending to be someone else

If a character wants to pretend to be someone else (i.e. a type of person or a specific other individual), he/she must make a dice roll using his/her Acting (including pretending specialism) + PE. Pretending involves acting out the behaviour, mannerisms, etc. in a convincing fashion.

There is a modifier on the dice roll based on how precise the pretence is aiming to be:

Nature of pretence Modifier
Pretending to be a type of person (e.g. beggar, merchant, etc.) +0
Pretending to be a specific person (i.e. acting like the person does), having studied the person for some time -5
Pretending to be a specific person (i.e. acting like the person does), based on second-hand descriptions only -9

There is a modifier to the dice roll based on physical appearance, which use of disguise can achieve. The modifier is +2 to the dice roll if the character is dressed appropriately (successful disguise); or -1 per point by which the disguise dice roll fails.

If the character speaks, there is a modifier to the dice roll based on the degree to which he/she mimics the right voice. The modifier is +2 to the dice roll if the character is successful, or -1 per point by which the mimicry dice roll fails.

The pretending dice roll result determines how difficult it is for an onlooker to see through the disguise and recognise the character as a fake (see below).

Spotting someone pretending to be someone else

To recognise an imposter as a fake, a character must make a dice roll using his/her Acting (including spotting impostors specialism) + PE.

If his/her dice roll result is greater than or equal to that achieved by the impostor (see above), the onlooking character will spot him/her as a fake. There is a bonus of +3 if the impostor is trying to be a specific individual that the onlooker knows well.