2.15.2 Climbing safely

Every minute climbing, a character must make a dice roll using his/her CO + Climbing (including Climbing safely specialism). If the dice roll result is greater than or equal to the difficulty value of the climb, the character climbs safely. If he/she fails the dice roll by less than or equal to five points, he/she loses his/her hand-hold and is hanging on (see Hanging on). If he/she fails the dice roll by more than five points, he/she loses all hand-holds and falls. A falling character will suffer falling damage on impact.

Typical difficulties for climbs are as follows:

Type of climb Typical difficulty
Fixed ladder -2
Rope ladder 0
Knotted rope 2
Tree 4
Rock face 7
Normal building 10
Sheer smooth face 15
Wet conditions Add 2
Crumbly surface Add 2

There is a -2 penalty to the basic value on the dice roll if the character is using only one arm.

For example, Urlik is a good climber with a Climbing skill of 3 and 2 points of specialism in Climbing safely (which is a broad specialism so he gets a +1 bonus for these two points). He has a CO score of +1 and is lightly encumbered (giving a +1 bonus on dice rolls based on CO). His basic value for climbing safely is 3+1+1+1 = 6, which gives him a guaranteed dice roll result of 6. When climbing a rock face (difficulty 7), he can either climb at his normal speed (5 metres/minute) and take some risks, or he can reduce his climbing speed (see Climbing speed) by 2 metres/minute (leaving him with a guaranteed 3 metres/minute climbing speed) and automatically gain a dice roll result of 7.