2.49.3 Steering/maneuvering a mount/vehicle

To steer or maneuver a mount or vehicle in the right direction, a mounted character must make a dice roll using his/her Riding (including relevant specialisms) + CO..

The difficulty depends on how difficult the course that the character is trying to negotiate and how fast the character is travelling as follows:

Course Slow speed (e.g. walk) Average speed (e.g. trot) Fast speed (e.g. canter) Breakneck speed (e.g. gallop)
Easy (e.g. steady direction, gentle turn) 1 2 4 6
Average (e.g. several twists and turns) 3 5 8 10
Difficult (e.g. trail up a canyon wall) 6 8 11 14

If the dice roll fails, the mount or vehicle will veer off course - the amount of course deviation depends on the amount by which the dice roll is failed.