2.49 Riding skill
Governing characteristics: CO,
Represents: The skill of riding a mount or driving a vehicle pulled by a
team without falling off.
Broad specialisms:
- A particular type of mount (e.g. horses, camels, elephants, dragons,
birds, wolves, etc.) or vehicle (chariots/carts, sleds, etc.)
- Remaining mounted
- Fighting when mounted
- Riding/driving speed
- Steering a vehicle
- Pacifying a mount/team
Narrow specialisms:
- A particular individual mount or team
- Remaining mounted when struck
- Remaining mounted when riding over obstacles
- Remaining mounted when mount rears or bucks
- Remaining mounted when travelling long distances at speed
- Attacking/parrying with a particular type of weapon when mounted
- Combat speed when mounted
- Dodging when mounted
- Judging another's Riding skill
- Judging what a mount or team is about to do
- Judging quality of a mount or team
- Training mounts
Use with the following characteristics in
dice rolls covering:
The type of mount and riding equipment (in
particular, saddle and stirrups) may provide modifiers to Riding
dice rolls.