Martial Strike [A/R/F]

This manuever covers a range of martial arts attacks such as spear hands, karate chops, lunge punches, kites, palm strikes, elbow strikes and kneel punches. Essentially, the character aims an attack with his/her fingers, palm, fist or elbow at a target.

The attack must be carried out from within the target's hex, so the character may (as part of this maneuver) close into the target's hex (if he/she is in an adjacent hex).

The character carrying out the Martial Strike maneuver may optionally turn 60 degrees at the start of the maneuver.
Martial Strike
Image of martial strike (right) supplied by the USMAF
Martial Strike is delivered in the same hex as target and can be combined with a close into that hex

Once any reactions to the attack have been declared, dice rolls are made to determine whether the attack hits the target.

The "weapon" attack modifier for a Martial Strike is +1, regardless of whether the strike is made closing or stationery. In addition, (because the Martial Strike attack dice roll is a dice roll involving Martial Arts skill and the CO characteristic), the modifier to CO for encumbrance is doubled.

If the character successfully delivers a Martial Strike, he/she makes a damage dice roll to determine how much damage the target takes. The "weapon" damage rating for a Martial Strike is 5 and the damage type is either Blunt or Impaling at the striking character's choice.
The striking character may also take damage from a successful Martial Strike if he/she strikes an armoured target. The striking character is treated as having being hit on the hand by a blunt blow with basic damage equal to the target's damage resistance less the striking character's Martial Arts skill score. For example, Chu who has a ST of +2 and a Martial Arts skill score of 4 (with a no specialism in Martial Strike) and is wearing leather gauntlets on his hands (protection value of 3) successfully hits Urlik (who has a ST of +2 and is wearing light mail (protection value 6), giving him a damage resistance of 8) with a Martial Strike. The impact of the Martial Strike on Chu's hand is sufficient to cause him a wound based on a basic damage of 4 (Urlik's damage resistance of 8 less Chu's Martial Arts skill of 4 with the Martial Strike). Chu's own damage resistance on his hand is 5, so the damage is negligible.

As a reaction: A non-phasing character can carry out a Martial Strike as a reaction to an opponent closing into the character's hex, for example as a result of a move, jump back, side-step or parry action/reaction. This represents the character being set and waiting for the opponent.

If a non-phasing character declares a Martial Strike reaction to an opponent's attack (e.g. if they close and strike him/her), both characters carry out their attack dice rolls but no defence dice rolls are made (and hence no defensive reactions help); the character with the higher attack dice roll result strikes the opponent and the other character misses - if both attack dice roll results are equal, both attacks hit their targets simultaneously.

As a follow-on: A Martial Strike can be executed as a follow-on after a successful Block, Forearm Block, Side-step Dodge, Arm Grab, or earlier Martial Strike maneuver.

If a character successfully side-steps an incoming attack, he/she can carry out a Martial Strike action as a follow-on to the successful side-step. The opponent may use the original attacking weapon (or any other ready weapon) to block or parry this follow-on attack.

To use the Martial Strike, the striking character will need to advance into the opponent's hex (if he/she is not already in the same hex).

If a character successfully blocks or forearm blocks an incoming attack, he/she can use a Martial Strike as a second weapon and exploit the situation while his/her blocking weapon is temporarily locked with the opponent's attacking weapon or forearm (unless he/she blocked the original attack using a two-handed weapon). In this case, he/she can carry out a Martial Strike action as a follow-on to the successful block. This represents attacking while the blocking weapon and the opponent's weapon are locked. The opponent may not use the original attacking weapon to block or parry this follow-on attack (since it is still locked with the blocking weapon or forearm). To use the Martial Strike, the striking character will need to advance into the opponent's hex (if he/she is not already in the same hex).

Similarly, if a character successfully Arm Grabs an opponent, the character can follow up with a Martial Strike and the opponent cannot attempt to block or parry the attack with the grabbed arm. To use the Martial Strike, the striking character will need to advance into the opponent's hex (if he/she is not already in the same hex).

Finally, a character can follow up a successful previous Martial Strike with another Martial Strike, effectively putting together a rapid series of blows against the opponent.

Following up from a Martial Strike: If the character is successful with the Martial Strike, he/she may follow up with a further Martial Strike or with a Arm Grab or Head Lock maneuver.

Action point cost: A Martial Strike action, reaction or follow-on uses one action point.

A mounted character can carry out a Martial Strike action/reaction, but only against an opponent that is at the same height and in the same hex (e.g. someone on the same mount as the character); he/she also suffers a penalty of -2 on the attack dice roll for being mounted.