Leg Grab [R]

This maneuver allows the character to react to an attacker's Kick or Martial Kick by attempting to grab the attacker's leg.

If successful, the character will have a hold on the target's leg (preventing the target from carrying out most maneuvers) and can follow up with a Martial Kick or Martial Throw maneuver.

The character carrying out the Leg Grab maneuver may optionally turn 60 degrees at the start of the maneuver.

A Leg Grab counts as a defensive maneuver. The character makes a dice roll using his/her Martial Arts + CO. If his/her dice roll result is greater than or equal to the attacker's attack dice roll result, the character successfully grabs the attacker's leg and the attack fails. Because the Leg Grab dice roll is a dice roll involving Martial Arts skill and the CO characteristic), the modifier to CO for encumbrance is doubled.

Leg Grab

Following up from a Leg Grab: If the character is successful with the Leg Grab, he/she will have a hold on the attacker's leg that he/she can maintain until the attacker successfully breaks the hold. He/she can follow up with a Martial Kick or Martial Throw maneuver; following up in this way will break the hold. The character can choose to release the hold at any time (e.g. if the opponent is knocked back and the character does not want to move with the opponent).

Someone with their leg grabbed cannot move from their current hex. They can attack the person holding their leg, but will have a penalty of -4 on making the attack while their leg is held. A successful attack that causes the holder to be staggered or stunned will break the hold. Otherwise, a successful break hold maneuver will release the leg.

Action point cost: A Leg Grab reaction uses one action point.

A mounted character cannot carry out a Leg Grab reaction.