Set and Aim [A]

This ranged combat maneuver allows a character to set (i.e. assume a stationery position) and focus his/her aim on a particular target (or location that a target might appear at, e.g. a window or doorway).

While set in this way, the character must remain stationery on the combat board, and has an automatic defence dice roll result of zero. This is because the character is entirely focused on aiming his/her shot and is trying to be as motionless as possible while doing so.

Being set in this way allows a character to carry out Aimed Fire rather than Snapshot Fire. This is beneficial because aimed fire has a greater chance of hitting than snapshot fire.

The character may carry out multiple Set and aim actions to gain a bigger bonus on the eventual Aimed Fire shot. Each time a character carries out a Set and Aim action, to successfully focus on his/her target (and hence allow a subsequent Aimed shot), the character must make a dice roll using his/her Shooting + WP. If successful, the character's bonus on the eventual shot is increased by +1. If unsuccessful, his/her concentration is lost and all bonuses accrued are lost as well; he/she must start setting and aiming all over again. The difficulty for the dice roll is equal to twice the bonus already accrued (e.g. the first time someone sets and aims, there is no bonus accrued, and so the difficulty is zero; for the second action in succession, there is an accumulated bonus of +1 so far and so the difficulty to add more to it is double this, i.e. 2; etc.).

A character can hold the Set and Aim over multiple combat turns. While set in this way, the only restrictions are:

If a set character is knocked back, staggered or stunned by an attack, he/she loses his/her concentration on the target.

Action point cost: Each Set and Aim action costs three action points.

A mounted character may not carry out a Set and Aim maneuver.