2.21 Influence skill
Governing characteristics: CH
Represents: The skill of changing another's behaviour while maintaining
a good long-term relationship (i.e. the act does not make the other person
dislike or fear the character).
Broad specialisms:
- Temptation (i.e. tempting someone into doing something, for example, "It's
here if you want it", "Think what this would mean to you",
- Emotional appeal (i.e. asking someone to do something for you just
because they like you, for example, "Oh, please....", "Go
on....", "Do it for me");
- Teaching (i.e. conveying information to one or more people and
coaching them in such a way that they learn, for example, "Here's
how you do it", "You might want to try this technique", "You
did this well, but you could improve the rest by.....");
- Bargaining (i.e. offering someone something in exchange for something
else, for example, buying and selling, haggling, bribery, "If you
do this, I'll give you that");
- Argument (i.e. persuading someone through logical argument, for
example, "There are three reasons why you should do this.......",
"If you don't do this, the consequences will be.......");
- Oratory (i.e. using a speech to persuade a crowd of people to take
action, rabble-rousing);
- Battlefield command (rallying troops on the battlefield).
Narrow specialisms:
- Assertion (i.e. standing up for your own beliefs/position and getting
another to accept them without becoming aggressive, for example,
resisting someone who is being aggressive in a calm but firm manner);
- Teaching a particular skill;
- Bargaining a particular commodity;
- Arguing in a particular field (e.g. science, politics, history,
- Judging another's Influence skill.
Use with the following characteristics in
dice rolls covering: