2.49.1 Remaining mounted

A mounted character may fall off his/her mount or fall out of the vehicle he/she is riding in under a number of different circumstances:

Under these circumstances, he/she must make a dice roll to stay mounted; if he/she fails, he/she will fall off the mount, will land prone adjacent to his/her mount and will take falling damage.

Remaining mounted when struck

When a mounted character is struck in combat, he/she uses his/her Riding skill (including relevant specialisms) instead of his/her Athletics skill to avoid being knocked back. A mounted character who is knocked over will fall off his/her mount.

Remaining mounted over obstacles

When a character's mount or vehicle goes over an obstacle (e.g. his/her horse jumps a fence), the character must make a dice roll using his/her Riding (including relevant specialisms) + CO to remain mounted. The difficulty depends on how fast the character is travelling and how imposing the obstacle is, as follows:

Obstacle Slow speed (e.g. walk) Average speed (e.g. trot) Fast speed (e.g. canter) Breakneck speed (e.g. gallop)
Easy (e.g. hill slope, low fence) 1 2 4 6
Average (e.g. ditch, normal fence) 3 5 8 10
Difficult (e.g. cavalry traps, scree slope) 6 8 11 14

Remaining mounted when mount rears or bolts

When a character's mount or vehicle rears or bolts, the character must make a dice roll every minute using his/her Riding (including relevant specialisms) + CO at a difficulty of 8 to remain mounted.

Remaining mounted when travelling long distances at speed

Every hour that a mounted character travels, the character must make a dice roll using his/her Riding (including relevant specialisms) + CO to remain mounted. The difficulty depends on how fast the character is travelling as follows:

Speed Difficulty for remaining mounted Basic damage if falls off
Slow speed (e.g. walk) 1 6
Average speed (e.g. trot) 3 10
Fast speed (e.g. canter) 6 13
Breakneck speed (e.g. gallop) 10 17

Falling damage

When a character falls off his/her mount or vehicle, he/she takes falling damage. The basic damage depends on the speed at which he/she was travelling as shown in the table above. The character may apply his/her damage resistance and optionally use acrobatics to reduce the damage; he/she may not soak the damage.