Reaction eligibility

A character may react to another's action (or reaction or follow-on) only if the character's proposed reaction meets three criteria:

Action/reaction Appropriate reactions
Movement Stand and melee attack (if the moving character moves into the responder's strike zone); Speak; Turn
Stand and melee attack Speak; Target may Block, Jump back dodge, Side-step dodge, Parry or Turn.
Advance and attack Stand and melee attack (if the advancing character moves into the responder's strike zone); Speak;
Target may Block, Jump back dodge, Side-step dodge, Parry or Turn.
Speak Speak; Turn
Block Speak
Jump back dodge Stand and melee attack (if the dodging character moves into the responder's strike zone); Speak
Side-step dodge Stand and melee attack (if the dodging character moves into the responder's strike zone); Speak
Parry Stand and melee attack (if the parrying character moves into the responder's strike zone); Speak
Turn Speak
Ready weapon Speak; Turn; Ready weapon
Prepare/cast magic Speak
Soak Speak