Fourth battle turn

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Start of battle turn 4

Fourth battle turn - orders

Darius and Alexander choose orders for the fourth battle turn. These are then revealed simultaneously.

Darius Army Reserve
Camp followers & baggage train (routing) attempt to disengage from Alexander's Heavy cavalry
Alexander's Heavy cavalry stay engaged with Darius' camp followers
Darius Army Right flank
Darius Army Centre
Darius Army Left flank
Alexander Army Left flank
Darius' spearmen 1 stay engaged with Pike phalanx 1
Pike phalanx 1 (routing) attempt to disengage from Darius' Cataphracts & Spearmen 1
Darius' Cataphracts stay engaged with Darius' Pike phalanx 1
Darius' Spearmen 2 - Charge Alexander's Camp followers
Alexander Army Centre
Pike phalanx 2 retreat and rally towards Alexander's reserve
Darius' Spearmen 3 rout back towards own centre
Alexander Army Right flank
Pike phalanx 3
stay engaged with Darius' Spearmen 4
Archers 3 - Stand and fire at Darius' Spearmen 4
Darius' Spearmen 4 (routing) disengage from Alexander's Pike phalanx 3
Alexander Army Reserve
Camp followers & baggage train - Stand and fire at Spearmen 3

Battle turn 4 orders

As a result of these maneuvers, the deployment at the end of the fourth battle turn is as follows:

Darius Army Reserve
Camp followers & baggage train
Alexander's Heavy Cavalry
Darius Army Right flank
Darius Army Centre
Routing Spearmen 3
Darius Army Left flank
Alexander Army Left flank
Pike phalanx 1
Darius' Spearmen 1
Darius' Cataphracts
Alexander Army Centre

Alexander Army Right flank
Phalanx 3
Darius' Spearmen 4
Archers 3
Alexander Army Reserve
Camp followers & baggage train engaged with Darius' Spearmen 2
Pike phalanx 2

Fourth battle turn (missile fire)

On Alexander's right flank, Alexander's Archers 3 unit (460 strong, with a missile value of 20) is led by Ptolemy, who has a Tactics score of 5 (with +2 specialism in leading a unit in battle) and an IQ of +1. The unit is normal tiredness and has good morale. It is standing and firing from a normal firing position (i.e. nether advantageous or disadvantageous) at Darius' Spearmen 4 (with a defence value of 12) in close order. To determine how many casualties are delivered this battle turn, Ptolemy makes a dice roll, with a basic value of 5 (Tactics) +2 (specialism) +1 (IQ) +20 (missile value) +2 (good morale) +0 (normal tiredness) +0 (normal firing position) -12 (defence value) +0 (target in close order) +0 (normal visibility/wind) = 18. He risks 4D+6, rolls a 5, 1, 4 and 2 giving a dice roll result of 18. This results in the firing unit causing casualties in the target equal to 10% of its size (i.e. 10% x 460 = 46 casualties). The unit strength of the spearmen unit is reduced by 46.

In the centre, Alexander's camp followers (500 strong with a missile value of 12) is led by Lysander, who has a Tactics score of 3 (with +1 specialism in leading a unit in battle) and an IQ of -1. The unit is normal tiredness and has good morale. It is standing and firing from a normal firing position (i.e. nether advantageous or disadvantageous) at Darius' spearmen 3 (with a defence value of 12) in close order. To determine how many casualties are delivered this battle turn, Lysander makes a dice roll, with a basic value of 3 (Tactics) +1 (specialism) -1 (IQ) +12 (missile value) +2 (good morale) +0 (normal tiredness) +0 (normal firing position) -12 (defence value) -0 (target in close order) +0 (normal visibility/wind) = 6. He risks 2D, rolls a 4 and 3 giving a dice roll result of 7. This results in the firing unit causing casualties in the target equal to 4% of its size (i.e. 4% x 500 = 20 casualties). The unit strength of the spearmen unit is reduced by 20.

Fourth combat turn - melee combat

On Alexander's left flank, Darius's Spearmen 1 chase Alexander's routing Phalanx 1. Belzar is commanding the unit and has a Tactics score of 4 with a specialism in battlefield strategy of 1 and an IQ of +1. There are 2,132 of them and their melee value is 19. The unit is slightly tired and has good morale. They are engaged with the front of the phalanx (defence value of 20 in close order). To determine how many casualties are delivered this battle turn, Belzar makes a dice roll, with a basic value of 4 (Tactics) +1 (specialism) +1 (IQ) +19 (melee value) +2 (good morale) -1 (slightly tired) +2 (advantageous position) +0 (not charging) -20 (defence value) -2 (target is veterans in close order) +0 (attacking the target's front) +0 (normal visibility) = 6. He decides to risk 2D, rolls a 6 and a 5 giving a dice roll result of 11. This results in the attacking unit causing casualties equal to 12% of its size (i.e. 12% x 2,132 = 256 casualties). The unit strength of the phalanx is reduced by 256.

Darius' cataphracts are also still engaged with Alexander's routing Phalanx 1. Darius is commanding the unit personally and has a Tactics score of 3 with a specialism in battlefield strategy of 1 and an IQ of +0. His unit of elite cataphracts are armed with lances, there are only 103 of them left but their melee value is 34. The unit is quite tired and has poor morale. They are engaged with the front of the phalanx (defence value of 20 in close order). To determine how many casualties are delivered this battle turn, Darius makes a dice roll, with a basic value of 3 (Tactics) +1 (specialism) +0 (IQ) +34 (melee value) +0 (average morale) -1 (quite tired) +2 (advantaged) -20 (defence value) -2 (target is veterans in close order) +0 (attacking the target's front) +0 (normal visibility) = 17. He decides to accept the result of 17, which results in the attacking unit causing casualties equal to 20% of its size (i.e. 25% x 103 = 26 casualties). The unit strength of the phalanx is reduced by a further 26.

Meanwhile, Darius' Spearmen 2 charge into Alexander's Camp followers from the front. Shadrak is commanding the unit and has a Tactics score of 3 with a specialism in battlefield strategy of 1 and an IQ of +0. His unit of green troops are armed with spears, there are 2,303 of them and their melee value is 19. The unit is slightly tired and has good morale. They are charging the camp followers (defence value of 1 in skirmish order). To determine how many casualties are delivered this battle turn, Shadrak makes a dice roll, with a basic value of 3 (Tactics) +1 (specialism) +0 (IQ) +19 (melee value) +2 (good morale) -1 (slightly tired) +0 (normal position) +1 (charging) -1 (defence value) +0 (target is in skirmish order) +0 (attacking the target's front) +0 (normal visibility) = 24. He decides to accept the basic result, which results in the attacking unit causing casualties equal to 42% of its size (i.e. 42% x 2,303 = 967 casualties). The camp followers are annihilated by the spearmen's charge.

Before being wiped out, Alexander's camp followers attempt to engage Shadrak's Spearmen. Lysander is commanding the unit and has a Tactics score of 3 with a specialism in battlefield strategy of 1 and an IQ of -1. His unit of green troops are in skirmish order, there are 500 of them and their melee value is 10. The unit is normal tiredness and has good morale. They are engaging the spearmen (defence value of 12 in close order). To determine how many casualties are delivered this battle turn, Lysander makes a dice roll, with a basic value of 3 (Tactics) +1 (specialism) -1 (IQ) +10 (melee value) +2 (good morale) +0 (normal tiredness) +0 (normal position) -12 (defence value) -1 (target is green in close order) +0 (attacking the target's front) +0 (normal visibility) = 2. He decides to risk 2D-4, rolls a 5 and 3 giving a dice roll result of 4. This results in the attacking unit causing casualties equal to 2% of its size (i.e. 2% x 500 = 10 casualties). The spearmen's strength is reduced by 10.

At the same time, Leonidas seeks to restore morale to his troops. He makes a dice roll using his Influence (including battlefield command specialism) + WP; his basic value is 5 (Influence) +2 (specialism) +1 (WP) -1 (slightly tied) =7. He decides to risk 2D+1, rolls a 4 and a 3, giving a dice roll result, enough to increase the morale of his troops by one level. Unfortunately, they are close enough to the routing camp followers to immediately lose the gained level of morale.

On Alexander's right flank, Alexander's Phalanx 3 is engaged with Abednigo's Spearmen as they try to flee. Achilles is commanding the unit and has a Tactics score of 4 with a specialism in battlefield strategy of 2 and an IQ of +0. His unit of veteran troops are armed with pikes, there are 1,254 of them and their melee value is 25. The unit is slightly tired and has average morale. They are engaging the spearmen (defence value of 12 in close order). To determine how many casualties are delivered this battle turn, Achilles makes a dice roll, with a basic value of 4 (Tactics) +2 (specialism) +0 (IQ) +25 (melee value) +0 (average morale) -1 (slightly tired) +2 (advantage) -12 (defence value) -1 (target is green in close order) +0 (attacking the target's front) +0 (normal visibility) = 19. He decides to accept the default dice roll result of 19, which results in the attacking unit causing casualties equal to 30% of its size (i.e. 30% x 1,254 = 376 casualties). The spearmen's strength is reduced by 376.

Meanwhile, Alexander's heavy cavalry are engaged with the routing camp followers. Alexander is commanding the unit personally and has a talent for Tactics (+2), a Tactics score of 7 with a specialism in battlefield strategy of 3 and an IQ of +2. His unit of elite heavy cavalry are armed with spears, there are 219 of them (after missile casualties) and their melee value is 30. The unit is quite tired and has good morale. They are attacking the front of the camp followers unit (defence value of 1 in skirmish order). To determine how many casualties are delivered this battle turn, Alexander makes a dice roll, with a basic value of 7 (Tactics) +3 (specialism) +2 (talent) +2 (IQ) +30 (melee value) +2 (good morale) -1 (quite tired) +2 (advantageous position) +0 (not charging) -1 (defence value) +0 (target in skirmish order) +0 (attacking the target's front) +0 (normal visibility) = 46. He decides to risks simply accept a dice roll result of 46. This results in the attacking unit causing casualties equal to 136% of its size (i.e. 136% x 219 = 298 casualties). The camp followers are annihilated.

Fourth battle turn - consequences of combat

At the end of the battle turn, the units in the battle have the following status:

Darius' units Type Size Melee value Missile value Defence value Commanded by Commander's Tactics score Commander's IQ score Morale Tiredness
Spearmen 1 Green disciplined, close order 2,132 19 0 12 Belzar 4 (+1) +1 Good Quite tired
Spearmen 2 Green disciplined, close order 2,303 -10 =2,293 19 0 12 Shadrak 3 (+1) +0 Good Quite tired
Spearmen 3 Green disciplined, close order 822-20 =802 19 0 12 Mishak 5 (+2) +1 Routing Quite tired
Spearmen 4 Green disciplined, close order 1,791 -376 = 1,415 19 0 12 Abednigo 3 (+1) +1 Routing Quite tired
Cataphracts Elite, disciplined, close order 103 34 19 29 Darius* 3 (+1) +0 Average Tired
Light cavalry n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Routed n/a
Camp followers Irregular, skirmish order 284 -284 =0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Routed n/a
Alexander'sunits Type Size Melee value Missile value Defence value Commanded by Commander's Tactics score Commander's IQ score Morale Tiredness
Phalanx 1 Veteran, close order 966 -256 -26 = 684 25 0 20 Pericles 5 (+2) +0 Routing Tired
Phalanx 2 Veteran, close order 1,130 25 0 20 Leonidas 4 (+2) +1 Average (rallied but next to routing unit) Quite tired
Phalanx 3 Veteran, close order 1,254 25 0 20 Achilles 4 (+2) +0 Good Tired
Archers 1 Veteran,skirmish order 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Routed n/a
Archers 2 Veteran,skirmish order 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Routed n/a
Archers 3 Veteran,skirmish order 460 18 20 7 Ptolemy 5 (+2) +1 Good Normal
Heavy cavalry Elite, close order 219 30 0 18 Alexander* 7 (+3+2) +2 Good Tired
Camp followers Irregular, skirmish order 500 -500 =0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Routed n/a

End of battle turn 4

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