There are fourteen different magical skills:
Magical skill | Used for | Opposed to |
Magic - Air | Casting magical spells and rituals based on the element of air | Magic - Earth |
Magic - Countering | Casting magical spells and rituals to counter or nullify other magic | Magic - Enhancement |
Magic - Darkness | Casting magical spells and rituals based on the element of darkness | Magic - Light |
Magic - Death | Casting magical spells and rituals based on death (e.g. curses, black magic) | Magic - Life |
Magic - Earth | Casting magical spells and rituals based on the element of earth | Magic - Air |
Magic - Enhancement | Casting magical spells and rituals to enhance or boost other magic | Magic - Countering |
Magic - Fire | Casting magical spells and rituals based on the element of fire | Magic - Water |
Magic - Illusion | Casting magical spells and rituals based on illusion and deception | Magic - Truth |
Magic - Life | Casting magical spells and rituals based on life (e.g. healing, blessing, white magic) | Magic - Death |
Magic - Light | Casting magical spells and rituals based on the element of light | Magic - Darkness |
Magic - Projection | Casting magical spells and rituals based on projecting own will to directly control what is taking place elsewhere (e.g. telepathy, telekinesis) | Magic - Stasis |
Magic - Stasis | Casting magical spells and rituals based on self-control and resistance to external influences | Magic - Projection |
Magic - Truth | Casting magical spells and rituals based on truth (e.g. detection) | Magic - Illusion |
Magic - Water | Casting magical spells and rituals based on the element of water | Magic - Fire |
Each magical skill is idealogically opposed to one other magical skill, hence there are seven pairs of mutually opposing magical skills. A magical skill is said to be opposed to another if it works its magic by using concepts, techniques and special effects totally at odds with those of the other skill. There are three impacts of opposed magic skills:
Certain magical skills are better than others at achieving particular effects (e.g. Truth magic skill is the best skill for casting detection magic) and so there may be limitations in what can be achieved using a particular magical skill (e.g. Death magical skill cannot be used to heal, etc.), see summary in section