When a character takes part in a battle, the character's disposition within his/her unit affects his chance of seeing action during the battle, and hence his/her chance of gaining glory and his/her chance of being wounded. For example, a character who is in the front line of combat is more likely to gain glory and more likely to be wounded or killed than a character who is protected at the rear of the unit.
There are four levels of disposition as follows:
Disposition | Modifier to Battle glory dice roll | Modifier to Battle survival dice roll |
Heroic (e.g. charging ahead of the rest of his/her unit when engaging the enemy, protecting others during a rout) | +6 | -6 |
Vanguard (e.g. in the front line of the unit) | +2 | -3 |
Main body (e.g. in the middle of the unit) | -2 | +0 |
Protected (e.g. surrounded by troops who will sacrifice themselves to defend the character) | -6 | +3 |
A character's disposition in battle is normally determined by the commander of his/her unit. However, the character can, if he/she makes a good enough Battle tactics dice roll, modify his/her disposition.