Determining whether characters are wounded in a battle

If a character is engaged in battle, on any battle turn in which a character's unit takes casualties from melee or missile combat, the character must make a dice roll using his/her Combat + ST.

The result of this Battle survival dice roll determines whether the character is wounded (or even killed) as a result of the combat in that battle turn, as follows:

Battle survival dice roll result Number of wounds received this battle turn
Scratches Light wounds Medium wounds Serious wounds Critical wounds Fatal wounds
15 or more - - - - - -
14 1 - - - - -
13 2 - - - - -
12 3 - - - - -
11 - 1 - - - -
10 1 1 - - - -
9 2 1 - - - -
8 - 2 - - - -
7 1 2 - - - -
6 - 1 1 - - -
5 1 2 1 - - -
4 1 1 2 - - -
3 - 2 2 - - -
2 2 - 1 1 - -
1 1 1 2 1 - -
zero 2 1 - 2 - -
-1 - 2 1 2 - -
-2 1 - 2 1 1 -
-3 2 1 - 2 1 -
-4 - 1 1 1 2 -
-5 1 - 2 2 2 -
-6 - 1 - 2 1 1
-7 - - 1 1 2 1
-8 or more - 1 - 2 1 2

There are a number of modifiers to the Battle glory dice roll as follows:

The area of the body affected by each wound received can be determined by rolling 2D and consulting the following table:

Result from dice roll Area of the body on which wound falls
2 Left Leg
3 Right Leg
4 Groin
5 Abdomen
6 Chest
7 Chest
8 Right Arm
9 Left Arm
10 Head
11 Throat
12 Eyes

The normal rules for the impact of wounds then apply, with shock and specific disabilities particularly important.

If a character receives a fatal wound in a battle, he/she will die instantly unless he/she receives immediate magical attention.

If a character receives a critical wound in a battle, he/she must successfully resist the shock to avoid dying. Depending on the area of the body affected, the character may be killed outright anyway by the specific disability.

If a character receives a serious (or worse) wound in a battle, he/she will suffer a specific (possibly permanent) disability as a result.

A character's ongoing impairment from the wounds he/she is carrying will affect his ability to continue to fight in the battle.