Enchantment nature: Deflection
Magical skill used: Air, Darkness, Fire, Illusion, Light, Projection; Illusion and Projection magic are best.
Description: A deflection enchantment is one that reduces the chance that a physical attack will strike the target of the enchantment.
A particular deflection enchantment may be limited as to the number of attacks that it can deflect in a single combat turn before becoming overloaded. An overloaded deflection enchantment operates at reduced effectiveness against subsequent incoming attacks in that combat turn.
Multiple deflection enchantments are not cumulative; a character with multiple deflection enchantments applies the best one only (his/her player's choice) against each attack. Deflection enchantments have no impact on mental attacks.
Power: The power of a deflection enchantment determines how great a bonus the target receives on his/her defence dice roll as a result of the enchantment. Each point of power is normally added to the target's defence dice roll, for the purposes of preventing the attack hitting.
The minimum Power of a deflection enchantment is 1.
Finesse: The finesse of a deflection enchantment determines how much of the target is protected and what kind of attacks the enchantment deflects, as follows:
Finesse | Type of attack from which protected |
0 | One type of attack (from melee, close, missile, magical) |
1 | Two types of damage (e.g. missile and magical) |
2 | Three types of damage (e.g. all non-magical attacks) |
3 | All types of damage |
Finesse | Coverage |
+0 | One specific area of the character's body (e.g. arm, leg, head, etc.) only |
+1 | Part of the character's body (e.g. both legs, body, both arms) only or from a specific direction (e.g. front, rear) only |
+2 | All areas of the character's body |
Finesse | Number of times enchantment can be applied per combat turn |
+0 | Full effect (i.e. add Power to defence dice roll) against first attack, then no effect (i.e. no bonus to defence dice roll) against subsequent attacks in the same combat turn. |
+1 per doubling | To double the number of attacks against which full effect is obtained (i.e. for the ability to operate at full strength against up to 4 attacks in a single combat turn, add +2 to the Finesse). |
+1 | For the enchantment to operate partially (add half the Power to defence dice roll) once overloaded (i.e. on subsequent attacks in the same combat turn). |
+5 | Full effect (i.e. add Power to defence dice roll) against all attacks (i.e. no overloading). |
Limitations: The magical skill used limits the effects of the deflection the caster can perform. The referee should apply discretion, but the following list may help.
Skill | Deflection restrictions: |
Air | Wind shield. Target is surrounded by swirling patterns of air that deflect incoming attacks. Cannot protect against close combat. Usually obvious to onlookers - maximum concealment is 2. |
Darkness | Shadow shield. Target is surrounded by a pattern of shadows that make it hard to target the character from afar. Can only protect against missile and magical attacks. Very obvious to onlookers - maximum concealment is zero. |
Fire | Heat shield. Target is surrounded by a heat shield that burns up incoming missiles. Can only protect against missile attacks. Usually obvious to onlookers - maximum concealment is 2. |
Illusion | Illusory cloak. People attempting to strike the target are confused or misdirected to aim at the wrong place by the enchantment. No restrictions. |
Light | Light shield. Target is surrounded by a pattern of swirling lights that make it hard to target the character from afar. Can only protect against missile and magical attacks. Very obvious to onlookers - maximum concealment is zero. |
Projection | Telekinetic shield. Incoming attacks are deflected through telekinetic power. No restrictions. |
Tim has a Fire magic score of 5 with no specialism in deflection, and a WP of +2. It is a hot sunny day on arid plains and a combat is about to start, so Tim wants to protect himself against stray missile fire. He, therefore, seeks to cast a Deflection enchantment with Power 5, Finesse 4 (missiles only, all areas of the body, 4 attacks/turn), Range Self (i.e. 0), Concealment 0 (obvious to onlookers as a red glowing field surrounding him), Duration 1 Minute (i.e. 2), Area of effect self (i.e. 0), Investment 0 = Difficulty 11 in total. His basic value is 5 + 2 = 7. He uses hand gestures and words when casting to give a modifier of +2, plus the referee rules that the arid conditions give him a +1 modifier to the use of Fire magic. This gives him an overall basic value of 10. He risks 6 points to get a dice roll of 2D+ 4. In the event, he rolls a 3 and 4, giving a dice roll result of 11, i.e. the enchantment succeeds. For the next minute, Tim gets a bonus of +5 on his defence dice roll against the first four missile attacks that are aimed at him per combat turn. Hopefully, this will stop Tim becoming a pin-cushion too soon!