Enchantment nature: Enhancement
Magical skill used: Air, Darkness, Death, Earth, Enhancement, Fire, Illusion, Life, Light, Projection, Stasis, Truth, Water; Enhancement magic is best.
Description: An enhancement enchantment allows the caster to temporarily increase the effectiveness of an existing enchantment.
Power: The power of an enhancement enchantment determines how much the existing enchantment is enhanced. Each point of Power in the enhancement enchantment may be used to do one of the following:
The minimum Power of an enhancement enchantment is 1.
Finesse: The finesse of an enhancement enchantment determines the limit to which the existing enchantment may be enhanced. Both the existing enchantment's Power and Area of Effect (after enhancement) may not exceed the Finesse of the enhancement enchantment. For example, Boris seeks to enchance a Power 4 Area 2 Fire resistance enchantment. To boost the Power of this enchantment at all, he must use an enhancement enchantment of at least Finesse 5. He chooses a Power 3, Finesse 6 enhancement enchantment. He can use up to 2 points of Power to boost the Power of the Fire Resistance (up to the maximum 6 allowed based on the Finesse of his enhancement enchantment); the other point must be used to increase the Area of Effect.
Limitations: The magical skill used limits what kind of enhancement the caster can perform. The referee should apply discretion, but the following list may help.
Skill | Enhancement restrictions: |
Air | Air magic enhancement. May only enhance existing Air magic enchantments. |
Darkness | Darkness magic enhancement. May only enhance existing Darkness magic enchantments. |
Death | Death magic enhancement. May only enhance existing Death magic enchantments. |
Earth | Earth magic enhancement. May only enhance existing Earth magic enchantments. |
Enhancement | Enhancement. May enhance any existing enchantment. |
Fire | Fire magic enhancement. May only enhance existing Fire magic enchantments. |
Illusion | Illusion magic enhancement. May only enhance existing Illusion magic enchantments. |
Life | Life magic enhancement. May only enhance existing Life magic enchantments. |
Light | Light magic enhancement. May only enhance existing Light magic enchantments. |
Projection | Projection magic enhancement. May only enhance existing Projection magic enchantments. |
Stasis | Self enhancement. May only enhance existing Stasis magic enchantments affecting the caster. Area of effect and range must be 0. |
Truth | Truth magic enhancement. May only enhance existing Truth magic enchantments. |
Water | Water magic enhancement. May only enhance existing Water magic enchantments. |
Tim has a Fire magic score of 5 with no specialism in enhancement spells, and a IQ of +0. He comes across a weapon with a Power 2 permanent weapon of fire enchantment on it. He wishes to temporarily boost its Power to Power 5. He, therefore, seeks to cast a Enhancement enchantment with Power 3, Finesse 5, Range Touch (i.e. 1), Concealment 0 (the enchantment will be obvious), Duration 1 hour (i.e. 3), Area of effect Single target (i.e. 0), Investment 0 = Difficulty 12 in total. His basic value is 5 + 0 = 5. He decides to use hand gestures and words when casting and spends a minute preparing the enchantment to give a modifier of +4, giving a basic value of 9. He decides to roll 2D + 3; he rolls a 4 and a 3, giving a dice roll result of 10. The enchantment fails and he decides to try again later.