Enchantment nature: Movement
Magical skill used: Air, Darkness, Earth, Projection, Stasis, Water; Air magic is best.
Description: A movement enchantment is one that enables the target to be able to move more quickly than normal or in a way not normally possible (e.g. flight) for the duration of the enchantment.
A character who is affected by more than one movement enchantment may only claim the benefits of one enchantment at a time (i.e. movement enchantments are not cumulative).
Power: The power of a movement enchantment determines how forceful the movement is. For flying, this determines how much weight can be lifted by the enchantment. For tunnelling, this determines what kind of substances the target can tunnel through. For swimming, this determines how much bonus the target receives on swimming strength (for encumbrance underwater, resisting currents and staying afloat). The effects are summarised in the following table:
Power | Weight that can be lifted when flying | Substances that can be tunnelled through | Bonus on swimming strength dice rolls |
1 | 100g | Loose sand | +1 |
2 | 1 kg | Moist earth | +2 |
3 | 10 kg | Hardened/dried out earth | +3 |
4 | 50 kg | Soft rock (e.g. sandstone) | +4 |
5 | 100 kg | Normal rock (e.g. limestone) | +5 |
6 | 150 kg | Hard rock (e.g. granite) | +6 |
7 | 200 kg | Soft metals (e.g. copper, gold) | +7 |
8 | 300 kg | Hard metals (e.g. steel) | +8 |
9 | 500 kg | Very hard metals (e.g. mithril) | +9 |
10 | 1 tonne | Gemstones (e.g. diamond) | +10 |
The minimum Power of a movement enchantment is 1.
Finesse: The finesse of a movement enchantment determines how fast and maneuverable the movement is. The effects of this vary on the type of movement as follows:
Movement type | Speed |
Flying | Finesse 0 allows very gentle (slow) movement only. Finesse 1 allows flight at walking speed (roughly 5 kilometres per hour). Each additional point of Finesse doubles the maximum flying speed. Hence, a Finesse 9 enchantment enables the target to break the sound barrier, and a Finesse 10 enchantment enables Flight at approximately Mach 2.5. |
Tunnelling | Finesse 0 allows the target to tunnel through the substance at 1 metre per hour. Each additional point of Finesse doubles the maximum tunnelling speed. Hence, a Finesse 10 enchantment enables tunnelling at 1 kilometre per hour. |
Swimming | Add Finesse to Swimming speed and Diving dice rolls. |
Picking up a willing stationery target is normally automatic provided the caster can see the target. If a target is not willing to gain movement capabilities or is a moving target, the caster must make an attack dice roll with a basic value equal to the Finesse of the enchantment to pick up the target in the movement enchantment.
Limitations: The magical skill used limits the effects of the movement the caster can perform. The referee should apply discretion, but the following list may help.
Skill | Movement restrictions: |
Air | Flight. Allows flying with no restrictions. Cannot produce tunnelling or swimming benefits. |
Darkness | Wings of darkness. Creates bat-wings out of darkness that enable the target to fly. Maximum concealment is 3. Maximum Finesse is 3. Cannot produce tunnelling or swimming benefits. |
Earth | Tunnelling. Allows tunnelling. Movement in this way will normally produce a hole or tunnel which others can then travel through. The tunneller may choose to fill the hole with loose debris to make it harder for others to follow him. Cannot produce flying or swimming benefits. |
Projection | Levitation. Allows flying, but maximum Finesse is zero. Cannot produce tunnelling or swimming benefits. |
Stasis | Desolidification. Allows the caster to desolidify his/her body, so that he/she can pass through solid objects (effectively tunnelling but without leaving a trace). The solid objects through which the caster passes are undamaged by this process. Cannot produce flying or swimming benefits. Area of effect and range must be 0. |
Water | Swimming. Assists swimming. Cannot produce tunnelling or flying benefits. |
Ben Ruben has a Stasis magic score of 4 with no specialism in movement, and a WP of +5 1/2. A fight in the desert is going badly and Ben Ruben wants to make himself scarce. He decides to desolidify to sink into the sands and disappear. He chooses an enchantment with Power 1 (enough for loose sands), Finesse 10 (maximum speed), Range Self (i.e. 0), Concealment 0 (very obvious to onlookers), Duration 1 Hour (i.e. 3), Area of effect Single target (i.e. 0), Investment 0 = Difficulty 14 in total. His basic value is 4 +5 1/2 = 9 1/2. He uses hand gestures and words when casting to give a modifier of +2. This gives him an overall basic value of 11 1/2. He risks 9 points to get a dice roll of 3D + 2 1/2. In the event, he rolls a 4, 5 and 3, giving a dice roll result of 14 1/2; the enchantment succeeds. He can now sink into the sand at a rate of 1 kilometre per hour. This equates to roughly 2 metres per combat turn, which means from his current standing position, he will have sunk into the sands and disappeared at the end of the next combat turn. In the meantime, he has to stay in the same combat hex. Can he hold on for long enough to disappear?
Jan Stormchild has an Air magic skill score of 5 with a +1 specialism in flying, a talent for Air magic (+2 bonus) and a WP of +2. It is an overcast humid day with a gentle breeze. Jan wishes to enable himself to fly. Jan chooses an enchantment with Power 5 (enough to lift himself and his equipment), Finesse 5 (enough to be able to fly at 80 kilometres per hour), Range Self (i.e. 0), Concealment 3 (not obvious to onlookers), Duration 1 hour (i.e. 3), Area of effect self (i.e. 0), Investment 0 = Difficulty 16 in total. His basic value is 5 +1 +2 +2 = 10. He uses hand gestures and words when casting and spends 1 minute preparing to give a modifier of +4, giving him an overall basic value of 14. He decides to risk 12 points, giving him a dice roll of 4D+2. In the event, he rolls a 2, 3, 5 and 4, making a dice roll result of 16, a success. For the next hour, Jan takes to the air.